Gymnema Sylvestre

“Gymnema sylvestre R.Br” by Lalithamba is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Gymnema sylvestre, also know as Gurmar, is a traditional Ayurvedic herb. It has been used for thousands of years in the traditional medicine of India. It works to decrease glucose absorption and possibly up-regulate pancreatic beta cell production of insulin. It may also decrease lipids. Two small trials are available showing positive effects for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.(1) Studies typically use a standardized extract called GS4.

A common dose is 400 to 600mg daily of extract. The most troubling side effect is loss of the ability to taste sweets although this may be mitigated by swallowing the pill whole.

1. Yeh GY, et al. Systematic review of herbs and dietary supplements for glycemic control in diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2003 Apr;26(4):1277-94.

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