Mindfulness Meditation

Appendix II offers brief introductions and linked resources for learning more about meditation techniques. Click on the the links below for demonstrations and information about resources for patients and physicians.

Now that you have learned about various types of meditation techniques, you can return to the main part of the module.

This type of meditation involves the practice of learning to focus only on the present moment through the process of quietly observing one's breath. Once learned, the concept of mindfulness can be used in day-to-day situations to insure calm and reduce stress.

(Michael McCauslin, Untitled, flickr. CC: BY 2.0.Obtained on June 22, 2009.)

  • More information about mindfulness meditation can be found on the website of Dr. Howard Schubiner, a professor of Medicine and Pediatrics affiliated with the University of Michigan.

  • Below you will find a mindfulness meditation session hosted by Google and led by Jon Kabat-Zinn, a world leader in the use of this technique.This video is long but offers a tremendous introduction and resource for those looking to learn more.