Indications for Skin Surgery

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In this unit, you will learn how to biopsy or remove a suspicious skin lesion using techniques for the best possible outcome as shown in the picture sequence below.

First, let us review the indications for skin lesion biopsy or excision:

  • Desire to identify the skin lesion to determine appropriate care, i.e., unknown dermatitis or possible malignant lesion.

  • Removal of suspected pre-malignant skin lesion, i.e., atypical nevus.

  • Removal with appropriate margin a known malignant skin lesion, i.e., basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.

  • Removal of irritated benign skin lesion, i.e., irritated seborrheic keratosis.

In this image: This is an example of lesions on the neck.

In this image: This is an example of post-procedure sutures.

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