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  • Promotes gastric motility as well as vitamin and mineral absorption

  • Promotes overall health and well-being

  • Decreases anxiety

Relaxation Techniques

  • Stress and anxiety increase gastric acid production

  • Stress decreases LES tone which may worsen GERD symptoms

  • Relaxation breathing, biofeedback, meditation have all been shown to increase LES tone and decrease gastric acid stimulation

  • Types of meditation include:


  • Used in ancient Chinese herbal medicine for many gastric conditions

  • Increases esophageal and gastric contractions and motility

  • Patients with GERD who report daily symptoms of acid reflux are six times more likely to try complimentary and alternative therapies compared to those without GERD symptoms

  • Acupuncture has a demonstrated effect in decreasing acid production, improving gastrointestinal motility, and improving sensory thresholds for visceral pain

  • One small randomized trial determined that once daily therapy with a proton pump inhibitor plus ten acupuncture sessions for 25 minutes each over a period of four weeks resulted in improved quality of life based upon symptom scores, compared to patients who were taking a proton pump inhibitor twice daily

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