The "Relaxation Response"

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Induction of the relaxation response to counteract stress leads to the "altered state." The relaxation response consists of internal metabolic processes that become activated when the parasympathetic branch of the ANS becomes more engaged, offsetting the sympathetic functions. Respiratory, endocrine and metabolic actions along with brain wave activity slow down.

The "Altered State"

Breathing exercises, muscle relaxation and music combine to achieve the altered state: the power cell of guided imagery. Although it may seem an oxymoron, the goal is to reach a state of "relaxed focus." It is a kind of calm, but energized awareness in which attention is focused on one thing to the exclusion of other stimuli.

It is in this state that the patient can move into greater awareness and experience of their inner resources for calm, strength, peace, clarity, healing and resilience. When in this state, the suggestions of the imagery take form for the patient and change is possible.

All of the mind's senses are engaged: sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile. This heightens the experience.

Try to a breathing exercise.

Read and/or print this induction experience script PDF file.

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