Deltoid Ligament Injury

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What is it: A sprain, partial or complete tear of the deltoid ligament, which is the primary supporting ligament of the medial ankle.

How does it present: It usually presents with medial ankle pain and swelling is most likely to occur after a significant ankle eversion injury. Since the deltoid ligament is very strong, an isolated injury is rare. Be sure to evaluate for other associated ligamentous and bony injuries, such as a proximal fibular fracture, known as a Maisonneuve fracture.

Common exam findings: Tenderness, swelling and ecchymosis over the region of the deltoid ligament. You may find laxity of the ankle.

Tests and treatment: Since isolated deltoid ligament injuries are uncommon, be sure to evaluate for other ankle and foot injuries and consider foot or ankle x-rays as indicated. Treatment for an isolated deltoid ligament sprain is often conservative with icing and functional rehabilitation.

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