Carpal Metacarpal Osteoarthritis

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What is it: Arthritis of the first carpal metacarpal joint can be a common cause of thumb pain.

How does it present: Patients may complain of thumb or wrist pain, as the CMC joint is at the very base of the hand. They may have stiffness of this area or swelling. Patients who have done repetitive thumb activities are more at risk for arthritis of this joint. It can often be confused with carpel tunnel syndrome.

Common exam findings: Exam may show tenderness over the CMC joint, and the CMC/Axial Grind Test may provoke symptoms. Patients may also complain of loss of grip strength and grasping strength with their thumb.

Tests and treatment: X-rays can help identify arthritis of this joint. Treatment may include common conservative measures for arthritis, such as pain medication and modalities. Brief immobilization in a thumb spica splint can be helpful. Steroid injections and surgical interventions can be considered for resistant cases.

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