Instructions For Use

Click on the links below to learn more about light therapy approaches used to treat depression.

Now that you have learned about light therapy, move on to the next section to read a summary of the material presented in this unit.

Light boxes are not difficult to use. Most require patients to sit adjacent for approximately 30 minutes each day, usually (but not always) in the morning.

  • Because this frequently requires patients to get up earlier in the morning than usual, their motivation must be high or compliance can be a problem.

  • Optimal timing may relate to each patient's melatonin secretion (Terman, 2001).

  • To access questionnaires that guide patients toward understanding melatonin secretion patterns, click on the following links:

      • Read about research in this area on the Center for Environmental Therapeutics.

      • Learn more about light boxes at the Opollo Health website. Their website also include patient information about how to determine whether evening rather than morning use may be beneficial.

(Jonathan Warner, Quan Yin has Seasonal Affective Disorder, flickr. CC: BY-NC 2.0.)