Principles of FSE and IUPC Placement

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Fetal Scalp Electrode and Intrauterine Pressure Catheter are internal monitors used to provide additional information used to assess fetal well-being and intrapartum events to allow for timely interventions. Placing these internal monitors is an invasive procedure, thus the practitioner must have knowledge of indications, risks, limitations, and contraindications associated with these devices, which will be covered in this unit.

It is also imperative that the practitioner have adequate knowledge and understanding of basic aspects of intrapartum care. These include maternal and fetal anatomy; accurate cervical assessment and position of the presenting part; skilled interpretation of electronic fetal tracing, including expected changes that occur in active labor; and techniques of sterile vaginal examination. These basic areas will not be covered in this unit, however. If you need to brush up on any of these areas, please refer to an OB text such as Williams Obstetrics.

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