Post-Procedure Patient Care

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Once you are certain bleeding is controlled, remove the speculum from the patient. Slowly help the patient to a sitting position and stay by her side until you are confident that she will not faint. It is not uncommon for patients to experience a vasovagal reaction with instrumentation of the cervix.

Post-Procedure Patient Instruction

  • Tell your patient when you expect to receive path results and how you will get results to her. It may be helpful to review some of the possible results and expected follow-up.

  • Let her know that she will likely bleed for several days, but that this should not be heavier than a normal period.

  • Let her know that she will continue to have pelvic cramping for several hours, but that this should not last more than a day. She needs to call or go to the ER if she has worsening pain or fever.

  • Make sure she is not feeling light-headed or faint prior to releasing her from the clinic.

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