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  • Clemente C. Anatomy, A Regional Atlas of the Human Body. Fourth edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 286-291, 302-308. 1997.

  • Dassow P, Bennett J. Vasectomy: An update. American Family Physician.

  • Denniston GC, Pfenninger JL. Vasectomy. Pfenninger & Fowler's Procedures for Primary Care. Second edition. Ed. John L. Pfenninger and Grant C. Fowler. Philadelphia. Elsevier Health Sciences 2003. 959–974. 2003. 2069-2074. 2006.

  • Moore K, Dalley A. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Fourth edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 357-371. 1999.

  • EngenderHealth. No-scalpel Vasectomy: An Illustrated Guide for Surgeons. Third edition. New York, NY. 2003.

  • Sandlow J, Winfield H, Goldstein M. Chapter 34 – Surgery of the Scrotum and Seminal Vesicles. Campbell-Walsh Urology. Ninth edition. Ed. Alan Wein. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier. 2007.

  • Tanagho E, McAninch J. Smith's General Urology. Fourteenth edition. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange. 682-686, 749-751. 1995.

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