Potato Candy

What you need:

    • 1 medium size potato, baked
    • 1 stick melted butter
    • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
    • 2 lb. powdered sugar, plus some
    • Peanut Butter (creamy)


    1. Peel baked potato and mash with a fork until smooth and free of lumps.
    2. Add melted butter and vanilla; stir.
    3. Work in sugar gradually until a stiff "dough" forms.
    4. Sprinkle wax paper with powdered sugar.
    5. Roll out potato dough to 1/4-inch thickness.
    6. Spread peanut butter over dough.
    7. Roll up like a jelly roll.
    8. Refrigerate until firm; slice.


*You may have to use more or less powdered sugar, depending on your potato's size. I had to use 2.5 lbs. on mine because it was bigger.

*The "dough" can be very sticky, do not be afraid to sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

*Store in the refrigerator so it stays firm.

Recipe from Francie Koehrsen