


Archivos del Estado de Israel

Prime Minister Office - Israel State Archives

Israel's Documented Story (IS Archives' Blog)

Archivos del Estado de Israel: Documents on the Foreign Policy of Israel

Volumes Already Published in the "Documents on the Foreign Policy of Israel" Series (introductory note):

The National Library of Israel


Knesset Research and Information Center

Oficina del Primer Ministro de Israel

Documentos históricos de referencia del Ministerio de AAEE de Israel

Si quieres otro período histórico que el que aparece en el enlace de arriba, vete, dentro de ese enlace, a la pestaña Foreign Relations, elige Historical Documents y luego el período que busques.

Documentos de referencia del Proceso de Paz del Ministerio de AAEE de Israel

Israel Permanent Mission to the UN

World Zionist Organization - The Jewish Agency for Israel - The Central Zionist Archives

Shabak Agencia de Seguridad de Israel - Archivos

Archivo del Haganá (en hebreo)

The Israel Defense Forces and Defense Establishment Archives (IDFA)

Israeli Air Force - Events Log

Bureau Central de Estadísticas de Israel


The Ben Gurion Archives

Contiene, disponibles online, las cartas y diarios personales de David Ben-Gurión y miles de documentos históricos sobre el Yishuv desde 1900 hasta la muerte de Ben-Gurión en 1973, y abarca todos los campos de la historia judía e israelí.

The library of the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel & Zionism

Su catálogo abarca el Sionismo, historia y política del Yishuv, el Partido Laborista Sionista, el conflicto árabe-israelí, la aliá y los asentamientos. También, en otra base de datos, libros y miles de artículos sobre David Ben-Gurion en varios idiomas.

Jabotinsky Institute in Israel

Weizmann Archives

Yad Vashem Archives

The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People

Jewish National and University Library - Department of Manuscripts & The Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts

The Jewish Chronicle Online

Encyclopedia Judaica

Jewish Encyclopedia

Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe

Jewish Virtual Library

Center for Jewish History

Consorcio de The American Jewish Historical Society, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum y YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Su Colección Digital.

The Jewish History Resource Center

Proyecto del Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén con miles de vínculos online sobre la historía judía. Quiere ser un índice de lo disponible en la red sobre el tema.

The Avalon Project

Documentos sobre el Oriente Medio 1916-2001 (publicado por The Avalon Project)

Myths & Facts

Contiene algunos análisis extraordinariamente bien documentados.

Middle East History & Resources (MidEastWeb)

Middle-East Info Org

JTA Jews News Archive

Jerusalem Virtual Library

Historical source documents: Zionism, Israel and Palestine

David Tuviyahu Archives of the Negev 

Material documental sobre el Negev, principalmente desde comienzos del siglo XX.

The Palyam & Aliya Bet website

Y1VO Institute for Jewish Research

Fundado en 1925 en Vilna (entonces Polonia, hoy Lituania), como el Yiddish Scientific Institute, se dedica a la historia y cultura de la judería y su influencia en América.

USC Shoah  Foundation Institute

Archivo patrocinado por Steven Spielberg con unos 52.000 vídeos con testimonios de supervivientes del Holocausto y otros testigos en 32 idiomas y de 56 países.

The Moshe Sharett Israel Labor Party Archives

Archivo administrativo, documental e histórico de la historia del partido Mapai (Luego Laborista) y otras organizaciones hasta hoy. Comienza con las reuniones del Secretariado Conjunto de Ajdut Ha’avoda y Hapoel Hatzair en 1929 y correspondencia y publicaiones del Ijud Olami.

COJS The Center for Online Judaic Studies

Jewish Historic negotiations and Resolutions

Institute for Palestine Studies


Israel's War against Terror


Lleva la cuenta de cada cohete  (Katyusha, Grad, Qassam o RPG) disparado contra Israel.

Palestinos (de y sobre)



Consejo de Ministros


Fatah website

PMW - Palestinian Media Watch



The Jerusalem Fund (palestino)

Palestinian Academic Society for theStudy of International Affairs (PASSIA)

Palestine Papers (Al Yazira-Wikileaks)

Palestine Facts

IRmep - Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy

Grupo de presión que vigila y ataca a los lobbies projudíos en EEUU. Útil porque tiene información y archivos interesantes. 

EEUU (Estado)

Este sitio facilita copias electrónicas de miles de documentos interesantes del Gobierno Federal obtenidos al amparo de la Freedom of Information Act: fascinantes documentos históricos, informes sobre noticias, rarezas y divertidos gazapos gubernamentales.

CRS Congressional Research Service

Open CRS

El CRS Congressional Research Service es un "think tank" que informa a los miembros del Congreso de EEUU sobre muchos asuntos. Pero sus informes no se publican ni recogen sistemáticamente. Solo se hacen públicos cuando un mimbro del Congreso lo hace público, pero aún entonces no se recogen sistemáticamente en ningún sitio. Open CRs es un intento de recoger cuantos informes del CRS logra obtener.

Law Library

Israel Law at the US Library of Congress' Law Library

Country Studies de la Biblioteca del Congreso de EEUU

The American Presidency Project

George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum

The Clinton Presidential Library and Museum

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

Nixon Presidential Library & Museum

Nixon Archives

Presidente Truman - Biblioteca y Museo

Biblioteca del Presidente Truman - The US and the Recognition of Israel: A Chronology

Biblioteca del Presidente Truman - Weizmann Archives Records

1945-1952  The Truman Library's collection of the records of the Weizmann Archives mostly consists of correspondence (letters, telegrams, radiograms, wires, cables); reports; press releases; and short minutes of meetings regarding the issue of immigration of displaced Jews into Palestine, the formation of the Jewish state of Israel, de facto and de jure recognition of Israel by the United States, and the rising threat of violence in the Middle East.

Biblioteca del Presidente Truman - Los Papeles de Edward Jacobson

The papers of Edward Jacobson document his life and business career; his relationship with Harry S. Truman; his role in advocating U.S. support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1947-48; and his involvement in the early history of the modern state of Israel. The papers include correspondence, financial records, legal documents, memoranda, newspaper clippings, printed material, and other items.

The Foreign Relations of the United States series is the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions that have been declassified and edited for publication. The series is produced by the State Department's Office of the Historian and printed volumes are available from the Government Printing Office.

FRUS begins with the administration of Abraham Lincoln in 1861. There are two cumulative indexes covering 1861-1899 and 1900-1918. The organization of FRUS is generally chronological, but the dates of the volumes do not necessarily reflect the dates of documentary history. For example, the volumes for 1900-1918 do not include the records dealing with World War I or the Russian Revolution. Each volume has a subject and author index. There is also typically a table of sources and abbreviations at the beginning of each volume.

Many volumes published since 1945 are available online on the State Department website that is maintained by the University of Illinois at Chicago. A full description of Foreign Relations of the United States, including a listing of the online FRUS volumes, is available from the Office of the Historian website.

FRUS - 1948. The Near East, South Asia, and Africa (in two parts (1948)

FRUS - 1952-1954

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954. The Near and Middle East (in two parts): Volume IX, Part 1

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954. The Near and Middle East (in two parts): Volume IX, Part 2

FRUS - 1955-1957

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955-1957. Arab-Israeli dispute, 1955: Volume XIV

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955-1957. Arab-Israeli dispute, January 1-July 26, 1956: Volume XV

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955-1957. Suez Crisis, July 26-December 31, 1956: Volume XVI

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955-1957. Arab-Israeli dispute, 1957: Volume XVII

FRUS - 1958-1960

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958-1960. Arab-Israeli dispute; United Arab Republic; North Africa: Volume XIII

FRUS - 1961-1963

Volumes XVII/XVIII/XX/XXI, Microfiche Supplement, Near East; Congo; Africa

Volume XVII, Near East, 1961-1962

Volume XVIII, Near East, 1962-1963

FRUS - 1964–1968 - Arab-Israeli Crisis and War 1967

FRUS - Foreign Relations of the United States - 1964–1968 - Arab-Israeli Crisis and War 1967

FRUS - 1964-1968  Administración del Presidente Johnson

Volume XVIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-67

Volume XIX, Arab-Israeli Crisis and War, 1967

Volume XX, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1967-68

Volume XXI, Near East Region; Arabian Peninsula

FRUS - 1969-1976

Volume XXIV, Middle East Region and Arabian Peninsula, 1969-1972; Jordan, September 1970

Volume XXV, Arab-Israeli Crisis and War, 1973

Volume E–12, Documents on East and Southeast Asia, 1973–1976

Volume E-14, Part 1, Documents on the United Nations, 1973-1976

The say: the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The Archive also serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to the national security, foreign, intelligence, and economic policies of the United States.


UK National Archive: Israel

UK National Archive: Palestine

Asamblea General

(AG) Asamblea General - Resoluciones - Resolutions

Consejo de Seguridad

(CS) Consejo de Seguridad - Resoluciones - Resolutions - Resolutions related to Israel since 1948-Now

Security Council Report Org

UN Oral History


Documents and Maps collections, UN Resolutions and more.

UNISPAL - Documentos selectos de NNUU por fechas

UNISPAL - Documentos selectos NO NNUU por fechas

UNISPAL - Documentos multimedia


UNESCO Archives
