Posiciones palestinas sobre Jerusalén
Iniciativa Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén
Jerusalem Old City Initiative: Governance Discussion Document (Borrador de trabajo de la Autoridad Palestina, June 2, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - This document is part of a series of papers detailing The Jerusalem Old City Initiative, and the the characteristics and requirements of the Special Regime (an arrangement treating the Old City as a single entity under a Chief Administrator). Earlier documents examine and propose solutions focused on security and Holy Sites. It provides recommendations that are intended to spark the imagination of negotiators, political leaders and policy planners, and provide them with concrete solutions and practical tools. The intent is to advocate that the integrity of the Old City be maintained as a single entity because the area is too small, densely populated and architecturally linked to be divided and managed by a series of separate authorities and police forces.