Deslegitimación de Israel como instrumento antisemita

Deslegitimación de Israel

Deslegitimar a Israel es poner en duda el derecho del pueblo judío a la autodeterminación y el derecho del estado judío a existir y defenderse, así como la condena reiterada y con prejuicios de las políticas y conductas de Israel que tienen el efecto de deslegitimar no solo esas políticas y conductas sino al mismo Israel, a sus ciudadanos judíos y a los defensores y afines de uno y otros..

Alibi Antisemitism (Norman Geras, Jan 29, 2013)

The Campaign Against Israel’s Legitimacy: Answers to israel’s Critics (Aaron Jaco; Oct 2010)

Outrageous: UK Methodist Church document to delegitimize Israel (The Elder of Zyon, May 6, 2011) - El documento metodista al que se refiere.


Deslegitimación de su sistema legal

The legal war on Israel (Anne Herzberg, June 15, 2011) - Se ataca el sistema judicial israelí como parte de la campaña palestina de deslegitimización de Israel:

In late May, a group of attorney generals from the United States came to Israel to meet with Israeli jurists and other government officials. During the trip, the AGs expressed admiration for the Israeli justice system and its “quality of fairness.” One AG noted that the Israeli Supreme Court “is the most accessible Supreme Court I’ve ever seen.” These comments echo statements made by courts throughout the world about the Israeli court system.

In contrast, a group of NGOs, primarily funded by European governments, the EU, and the New Israel Fund (NIF) have initiated a campaign to denigrate the Israeli justice system in order to bolster efforts to have Israelis arrested for “war crimes” in Europe, and in order to support the PLO’s application to the International Criminal Court for an investigation of Israel.

They also play an integral role in the PLO strategy to use UN frameworks, not to resolve the conflict, but to “internationalize the conflict as a legal matter” and to “pave the way for (the Palestinians) to pursue claims against Israel at the United Nations, human rights treaty bodies and the International Court of Justice” as Mahmoud Abbas tellingly revealed in a May 17 New York Times op-ed.

Whether these strategies succeed hinges on the concept of “complementarity,” in which courts examine whether Israel has sufficient investigatory and judicial mechanisms in place, negating the need for international prosecutions. As a result, many NGOs have intensified their political attacks of manufacturing claims against the Israeli justice system and maligning its capacity to investigate wrongdoing.