Posiciones palestinas sobre los Refugiados

Responsabilidad israelí

Draft Study on Recognition of Israel’s Responsibility for Refugees (Negotiations Support Unit-Negotiations Affairs Department-PLO, Jan 24, 2009) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - Draft of a study by Shahira Samy, University of Oxford, on Israel's responsibility for creating Palestinian refugees. The paper invokes historical examples as a point of comparison, including that of Korean "comfort women" abused by the Japanese army.

Capacidad israelí de compensación a los refugiados

Terms of Reference: Israel's Ability to Compensate Palestinian Refugees (Negotiations Support Unit-Negotiations Affairs Department-PLO, Feb 2, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - The document serves as a statement of work by the NSU in order to solicit analysis on Israeli compensattion. This analysis supports Palestinian demands for the total value of property losses, based on the position that Israel is in fact capable of meeting the full extent of its liability for individual Palestinian refugee property losses, as reflected in the global figure. The requested analysis would address the following issues: 1) Israel’s ability to meet the total value of Palestinian refugee property losses (approximately US$200 billion); and 2) Sources of funds from which Israel may draw upon to satisfy its payment obligations; and 3) Structure of Israeli payments over time (10-15 year period) in line with their ability to pay and the financial needs of the claims commission.

Terms of Reference: Research in Israeli Law (Negotiations Support Unit-Negotiations Affairs Department-PLO, Apr 1, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - NSU statement of work for a reference guide intended to complement research done on Israeli law. It is meant to enabling Palestinian officials to advance claims for material and non-material damages for Palestinian refugees in permanent status negotiations with Israel.

Palestinian Losses in 1948, Compensation Valuations, and Israel’s Ability to Pay (Atif Kubursi para Adam Smith International Ltd. y ésta para la OLP, Apr 18, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers  This paper's main purpose is to use careful and comprehensive estimates as a basis of identifying and quantifying the Palestinian refugee losses in 1948 in today’s prices, and to assess the economic ability of Israel to compensate the Palestinian for these losses using a scenario approach that specifies the payments under different time intervals and alternative interest rate specifications.

Restitution Programs: Recent International Precedents (Veijo Heiskanen para la OLP, Sep 4, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - 

Draft Valuation on Refugee Losses (Thierry Senechal para la Negotiations Support Unit-Negotiations Affairs Department-PLO, Aug 1, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - A third-party study prepared for the NSU that attempts to measure the losses incurred by Palestinian refugees for the Trilateral Meeting of 30th July 2008

Derecho de Retorno

El Presidente de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas (May 14, 2011): 

"La AP nunca descuidará el derecho de retorno de los palestinos a sus casas originales en Palestina. (...) Cada Palestino tiene derecho a ver Palestina y volver a la tierra de su hogar, porque la tierra del hogar es nuestro destino final."

En el año 2006, y con el ánimo fundamental de reconciliarse entre sí, las facciones palestinas parecen firmar el 'Documento de los Prisioneros', que vincula la autoridad de la OLP para negociar la paz con Israel al reconocimiento estricto del derecho de retorno de todos los refugiados.

Capacidad israelí de absorber refugiados

Terms of Reference: Israel's Capacity to Absorb Palestinian Refugees (Autoridad Palestina, Apr 2, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - La AP pide a la NSU que le prepare un informe sobre los temas que señala. This document provides Palestinian leadership with a scientific approach of the issue which could support their position in the debate over the returns to Israel. These 'Terms of References' are meant to set a rational analysis supporting Palestinian demands for the return of refugees, in consideration of Israel’s past immigration history and absorption capacities.

Progreso de las negociaciones

Progress on Refugee Negotiation (Oct 2008) (Oct 25, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - The refugee issue was managed by Tal Becker and Saeb Erekat through the exchange of drafts on the positions of both parties until July 2008. On July 14, 2008, at Erekat’s request, the technical work carried out by the NSU on the international mechanism was presented to the Israeli side. Since that date, the Israeli and Palestinian negotiation teams convened 3 times. During these meetings, similarly to what occurred in the previous months, the discussion was structured on the basis of the Is&Ps document. Following the directives of Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, the parties tried to bridge “minor” gaps between their respective positions, while isolating for future talks what was understood as the two main sensitive policy issues: return and responsibility. The paper further explains the conclusions of two additional meetings. It also provides an assessment of what is acheivable, and detailed a detailed chart of Palestinian and Israeli positions and arguments communicated.

Intervención internacional en las negociaciones

Research Study: Proposal for International Mechanism - Palestinian Refugees; Borrador 13 (Veijo Heiskanen para la OLP, Sep 18, 2008) - Documento filtrado entre los PalestinePapers - The report provides a thorough overview of the mechanism, including funding and recommendations.

Documentos y Fuentes
