

El Talmud lo componen la Mishnah y la Gemarah.

Documentos y Fuentes

Talmud online 

Yaakov Lozowick's study of the Talmud. - Much of Yaakov Lozowick's blog was about political matters, but there were two notable threads that he enjoyed writing though they had little to do with politics. The first was the Daf Yomi thread, daf yomi being the program in which one studies a page of the Talmud every day for about seven and a half years, which is how long it takes to cover the whole Talmud. He started before blogging, and intend to continue after; during the four years of blogging he reported on more than 70 interesting things he came across. The whole thing is explained and introduced here. To read the series, click on the Daf Yomi label of his blog. You cannot understand Judaism if you don't spend some serious time studying the Talmud. The Bible is the fundamental document of Judaism, but the Talmud is the backbone. If you don't make the effort, there's no possible way to understand what Judaism is about. This may be one reason why the number of daily students of Daf Yomi is probably in the hundreds of thousands, people of all walks of life.