

BuckStrider nos llama la atención sobre este concepto islámico próximo al de Taquiya:

"Islam vocabulary ... actually provides for muslims to lie and decieve non-muslims to such an extent that they have specific words to describe different types of deceit.


Hudna is often translated as "peace treaty" or "cease fire." What it means to muslims is "Time out! I need time to reload!" Mohammad, is often quoted as having said that when Muslim armies are weak, they should seek truces and then fight when they're strong again. When they are strong, they should conquer without mercy.

In an interview on Palestinian Television an Israeli Arab Knesset Member, Abd-Al Malek Dahamshe, defined the agreements with Israel as "Hudna" - a temporary cease fire. This definition was given in response to a viewer who called in to the studio and commented that, "Our problem with Israel is not a border problem, but an existential one". M.K. Dahamshe responded: "We exaggerate when we say 'peace'... what we are speaking about is 'Hudna'".

This religious world view accepting "Hudna", temporary agreements until some future liquidation of Israel, has been expressed by the leader of the Hamas as well. Sheikh Ahmad Yassin: "We are speaking of 'Hudna', [a cease fire] for a while, but not of the end of the conflict, in exchange for this [Hudna] should include a complete withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza..." (retreived from the church of city hall on 6 January 2006)

Creo que Hudna podría traducirse como tregua, por más que interesado y ofrecido con natural doblez,

Según cita que Noam Blun y Ricki Hollander hacen de una entrevista que Khaled Abu Toameh le hace a Magdi Allam, periodista nacido en Egipto, en mayo de 2006 en el Jerusalem Post, éste explica:

"From an Islamic point of view, the hudna only means a temporary cessation of war activities. It is based on the Hudaibiyah example, when the Prophet Muhammed preferred not to enter Mecca. He waited for one year to prepare new forces to invade Mecca and occupy it. This hudna does not mean recognition of the other side and its right to exist. It only means winning some time to prepare for achieving what they really want. When we examine Hamas's ambitions, we see that its constitution calls for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state based on the sharia law. I don't believe we can allow Hamas to reach its goal because this means the destruction of Israel. And it would also harm the Palestinians themselves. Hamas's strategy won't lead the Palestinians to statehood and peace based on coexistence alongside Israel."

Lustic, al referirse a Hamás, del que quiere darnos una concepción curiosamente cándida, pero no inocente, como organización que busca una coexistencia pacífica y competitiva con Israel, se refiere a una Hudna al aprecer ofrecido por Hamás a Israel:

In a variety of Sunni Arab countries the Muslim Brothers and affiliated groups (Hamas is in this category) have agreed to compete peacefully in the social, cultural and ideological spheres while foregoing direct military or political attacks on the secular governments. In effect Hamas has offered Israel the equivalent – a generation long "hudna" (armistice) during which a Muslim Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza would exist alongside of a Jewish State in Israel. (Emphasis added)

Aunque, como señalan Noam Blun y Ricki Hollander:

"The very same Hamas leaders who announce offers of a "hudna" on the one hand, issue statements that belie its supposedly peaceful intent. They describe their offers as temporary measures to establish a foothold from which to reach their ultimate goal of annihilating the Jewish state. Offers of a "hudna" are accompanied by continued incitement of the Palestinian public against Israelis and a promise that Israel will be ultimately eradicated. Often these ambiguous truce proposals come at times when Hamas is in a weakened position. They are thus understandably viewed by Israel as tactical maneuvers to allow militants to re-group and re-arm for future attacks."

En el mismo informe, Blun y Hollander, ofrecen otros ejemplo de recientes ofertas de Hudna, y entre ellas la siguiente:

"Similarly, on January 29, 2006, Mahmoud Zahar, Hamas' "foreign minister," suggested to CNN that a hudna with Israel might be possible under certain conditions. Zahar refused to say how long such a hudna would last or to comment about how it would affect Hamas' long-term call to eradicate a Jewish state. "We are not speaking about the future," he said, "we are speaking now."

Y en una entrevista del 25 de enero de 2006 en Al Manar TV dijo:

"We will not give up the resistance in the sense of jihad, martyrdom-seeking, sacrifices, arrests, the demolition of homes, and the uprooting of trees, at the same time, nor the shattering of the Israeli enemy's honor in all the confrontations - the war of tunnels and of security against the Israeli enemy, which ultimately led to its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and part of the West Bank...

"Palestine means Palestine in its entirety - from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River, from Ras Al-Naqura to Rafah. We cannot give up a single inch of it. Therefore, we will not recognize the Israeli enemy's [right] to a single inch....

...we can found a state on any piece of the land, and this will not mean we give up on any other part of the land"

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