Reparaciones y restituciones por la Shoá


Fuente: Israel taking Holocaust restitution into its own hands (Uriel Heilman, April 28, 2011)

Following years of complaints by survivors about opacity and unjust allocation decisions by the Claims Conference, and after two decades of what critics deride as scant tangible successes by the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO), a new Israeli restitution organization is amassing hundreds of thousands of new claims for survivors and their heirs.

1952 - Reparaciones alemanas tras la II Guerra Mundial (7 ene)

Debates en la Knesset

Post-World War II Reparations from Germany January 7, 1952The State of Israel came into existence only a few years after the end of World War II. In September 1951, German Chancellor Adenauer declared that he considered an "obligation of the German people to make compensation to the Jews."The issue gave rise to one of the most dramatic, soul-searching and heated debates in the Knesset, which took place against the background of a violent demonstration in which stones were thrown into the building.

Sitio de Project Heart

El 1 de mayo de 2011 Israel lanza el proyecto HEART para recuperar activos de las víctimas de la Shoá.

Heart is an acronym for Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce, the initiative comes at the behest of the Israeli government and aims to compile claims relating to assets stolen, confiscated or looted throughout Europe. Project Heart says it has collected information relating to some 500,000 stolen assets -- from real estate, bank accounts, businesses and insurance policies to art and jewelry -- and has handled 30,000 inquiries from survivors or heirs.

However, there are no agreements in place with any European countries to offer compensation for the stolen Jewish property.

“I certainly hope that the people that are responding affirmatively to the request for information by Project Heart aren’t building up their hopes for immediate results,” said Julius Berman, the chairman of the Claims Conference, which also is an organizational board member of the WJRO.

The project is one of two major restitution efforts being spearheaded by the Israeli government. 

Sitio de Hashava

El otro programa gubernamental en busca de la restitución de los damnificados en la Shoá,Hashava, tienen por objeto la restitución a Israel de los activos comprados en la Palestina anterior al Estado de Israel por judíos que perecieron en la Shoá, y que hasta 2011 ha distribuido  $115 million.

World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO)

Creada alrededor de 1993, parece haber tenido un éxito limitado en sus acciones, de ahí la creación por el gobierno de Israel del Project Heart y Hashava.

Documentos selectos relevantes
