1981-1982 - Culminación de la Paz con Egipto
Fuente: Ministerio de RREE de Israel
Los siguientes documentos, que cubren el año 1981 y la primara mitad de 1982, tratan principalmente de las fases finales de ejecución del Tratado de Paz Israel-Egipto que se completa con la retirada israelí del Sinaí el 25 de abril de 1982.
Among the other events featured in the documents, are differences of views between Israel and the United States on American arms sales to Arab states, the visit of Prime Minister Begin to Washington in September 1981, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Cooperation between Jerusalem and Washington after the bombing by Israel of the Iraqi nuclear facility near Baghdad (June 1981) and the passage of the Golan Heights Law (December 1981).
Attention is also focused on the state of relations with Egypt after the assassination of President Sadat in October 1981.
It also includes relevant United Nations General Assembly and Security Council resolutions, virtually all of them anti-Israel, adopted by the automatic pro-Arab majority in the world organization.
Special attention was given to events along the Israel-Lebanon border, and especially the mini-war fought along that border in July 1981.
Cronología del período
Fuente: Ministerio de RREE de Israel
Documentos selectos relacionados con esta época
Fuente: Ministerio de RREE de Israel
Letter from Prime Minister Begin to President Reagan, 21 January 1981.
Address by Foreign Minister Shamir to the World Jewish Congress, 21 January 1981.
Press conference with Prime Minister Begin, 24 February 1981.
Foreign Ministry statement on U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia, 6 March 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel Television, 12 March 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir in Ma'ariv, 15 March 1981.
Joint statement, Israel-Dominican Republic, 1 April 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel television, 16 April 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel radio, 28 April 1981.
Remarks by Prime Minister Begin following a meeting with Ambassador Habib, 2 May 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel radio, 3 May 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel radio, 7 May 1981.
Statement in the Knesset by Prime Minister Begin, 11 May 1981.
Replies by Prime Minister Begin on Lebanon, 13 May 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir in Maariv, 15 May 1981.
Statement by Prime Minister Begin on Lebanon, 17 May 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel television, 17 May 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on N.B.C. television, 21 May 1981.
Security Council Resolution 485 (1981), Extension of the mandate of UNIFIL, 22 May 1981.
Clarification by the Prime Minister's Bureau on commitment to the Lebanese Christians, 24 May 1981.
Statement by Prime Minister Begin on Lebanon, 24 May 1981.
Press conference with Prime Minister Begin, 27 May 1981.
Interviews with Prime Minister Begin on I.D.F. radio and Israel Television, 28/29 May 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Cable News Network, 1 June 1981.
Press conference with Prime Minister Begin and President Sadat, Sharm El-Sheikh, 4 June 1981.
Statement by the Government of Israel on the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear facility near Baghdad, 8 June 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin, 8 June 1981.
Foreign Ministry statement on suspension of delivery of U.S. aircraft to Israel, 11 June 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir in Ma'ariv, 12 June 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on C.B.S. television, 14 June 1981.
Statement by Prime Minister Begin following his meeting with Ambassador Habib and press conference, 18 June 1981.
Security Council Resolution 487 (1981) - military attack on Iraq nuclear center, 19 June 1981.
Security Council Resolution 488 (1981) - Extension of the mandate of UNIFIL, 19 June 1981.
Israel cabinet statement on the Security Council condemnation, 21 June 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister, Begin on A.B.C. television, 5 July 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel radio, 13 June 1981.
Statement by the Prime Minister's Bureau on the air raid on Beirut, 17 July 1981.
Cabinet communique on the situation in Lebanon, 21 July 1981.
Security Council Resolution 490 (1981) on cease fire in Lebanon, 21 July 1981.
Statement by Ambassador Habib on the cease fire, 24 July 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel television, 24 July 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin in the Wall Street Journal, 30 July 1981.
.Statement in the Knesset by Prime Minister Begin upon the presentation of his second government, 5 August 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel radio, 6 August 1981.
Address by Foreign Minister Shamir to Bnai Brith international leadership, 15 August 1981.
Press conference with President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin, Alexandria, 26 August 1981.
Statement by Prime Minister Begin upon his return from Alexandria, 26 August 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on I.D.F. radio, 26 August 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel radio, 29 August 1981.
Address by Foreign Minister Shamir to the Zionist Organization of America conference, 5 September 1981.
Statements by President Reagan and Prime Minister Begin at the White House Lawn, 9 September 1981.
Statements by President Reagan and Prime Minister Begin at the conclusion of their talks, 10 September 1981.
Press conference with Prime Minister Begin, Washington, 10 September 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel radio, 11 September 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel television, 12 September 1981.
Press conference with Prime Minister Begin upon his return from the United States, 16 September 1981.
Cabinet statement and press conference with Prime Minister Begin, 20 September 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel radio, 28 September 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin in Yedioth Achronot, 28 September 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on Israel television, 28 September 1981.
Address to the United Nations General Assembly by Foreign Minister Shamir, 1 October 1981.
Statement by President Navon following the assassination of President Sadat, 6 October 1981.
Statement by Prime Minister Begin in the wake of President Sadat's assassination, 6 October 1981.
Press conference with Prime Minister Begin upon his return from President Sadat's funeral, 10 October 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel radio, 24 October 1981.
Press conference with Prime Minister Begin on the autonomy talks, 26 October 1981.
Cabinet statement on the sale of U.S. arms to Saudi Arabia, 29 October 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel television, 30 October 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on A.B.C. television, 1 November 1981.
Cabinet statement on the Multinational Force in Sinai, 8 November 1981.
.Statements by Egypt and Israel on the autonomy talks, 12 November 1981.
General Assembly Resolution 36/27, Israel's attack on the Iraqi nuclear installation, 13 November 1981.
Address by Foreign Minister Shamir to the United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership delegation, 15 November 1981.
Security Council Resolution 493 (1981) - extension of the mandate of UNDOF, 23 November 1981.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on French television, 25 November 1981
Memorandum of Understanding between the government of the United States and the government of Israel on strategic cooperation, 30 November 1981.
General Assembly Resolution 36/70, Assistance to the Palestinian people, 4 December 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir in Maariv, 4 December 1981.
Interview with Defense Minister Sharon on Israel television, 9 December 1981.
General Assembly Resolution 36/20, Question of Palestine, 10 December 1981.
The Golan Heights Law - 5742/1981, 14 December 1981.
Address by Defense Minister Sharon at the National Defense College, 15 December 1981.
General Assembly Resolution 36/250, Israel's decision to build a Dead Sea-Mediterranean Canal, 16 December 1981.
General Assembly Resolution 36/146, Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees, 16 December 1981.
Security Council Resolution 497 (1981), the Golan Heights Law, 17 December 1981.
General Assembly Resolution 36/ 226, the situation in the Near East, 17 December 1981.
Security Council Resolution 498 (1981), extension of the mandate of UNIFIL, 18 December 1981.
Interview with Defense Minister Sharon on Israel television, 19 December 1981.
Statement by Prime Minister Begin on U.S. measures against Israel, 20 December 1981.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel television, 20 December 1981.
Statement in the Knesset by Foreign Minister Shamir, 23 December 1981.
Statement by Ambassador Blum on the Golan Heights Law, 1 January 1982.
Statement in the Knesset by Foreign Minister Shamir on the situation in Poland, 4 January 1982.
Statements by and press conference with Foreign Minis ter Shamir and Secretary of State Haig, 15 January 1982.
Security Council Document S/ PV 2329, Jordan Draft resolution on the Golan Heights, 20 January 1982.
Interview with Defense Minister Sharon in Maariv, 22 January 1982.
Israel's proposals for the Self Governing Authority in the territories, 31 January 1982.
General Assembly Resolution ES-9/1, the situation in the occupied territories, 5 February 1982.
Foreign Ministry statement on the General Assembly resolution, 6 February 1982.
Cabinet statement on the General Assembly, resolution, 7 February 1982.
Knesset resolution condemning the General Assembly resolution, 10 February 1982.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on I.D.F. radio, 12 February 1982.
Statement in the Knesset by Prime Minister Begin, 15 February 1982.
Exchange of letters between President Reagan and Prime Minister Begin, 16 February 1982.
Security Council Resolution 507 (1982), extension of the mandate of UNIFIL, 25 February 1982.
Statement by Prime Minister Begin on remarks made by Chancellor Schmidt, 25 February 1982.
Remarks by Foreign Minister Shamir in Cairo, 25 February 1982.
Address by President Navon welcoming President Mitterand to Israel, 3 March 1982.
Address by President Navon in honor of President Mitterand, 3 March 1982.
Address by Prime Minister Begin in the Knesset on the occasion of the visit of President Mitterand, 4 March 1982.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel television, 6 March 1982.
Interview with Defense Minister Sharon in Yoman Hashavua, 30 March 1982.
Jordanian draft resolution in the Security Council on the situation in the territories, 1 April 1982.
Cabinet statement on the completion of the Israeli withdrawal from Sinai, 21 April 1982.
Interview with Chief of Staff Eitan on Israel television, 21 April 1982.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on N.B.C. television, 25 April 1982.
Message from Prime Minister Begin to the Egyptian people, 25 April 1982.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin in Mayo magazine, 26 April 1982.
Address by Prime Minister Begin on Independence Day, broadcast on Israel television, 27 April 1982.
Interview with Prime Minister Begin on I.D.F. radio, 27 April 1982.
General Assembly Resolution ES-7/4, the question of Palestine, 28 April 1982.
Statement in the Knesset by Prime Minister Begin, 3 April 1982.
Reply in the Knesset by Prime Minister Begin, 4 May 1982.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir in Yoman Hashavua, 10 May 1982.
Interview with Foreign Minister Shamir on Israel radio, 8 May 1982.
Address by Foreign Minister Shamir honoring members of the Political Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe, 18 May 1982.
Statement in the cabinet by Prime Minister Begin, 23 May 1982.
Remarks by Foreign Minister Shamir on U.S. arms sale to Jordan, 26 May 1982.
Interview with Defense Minister Sharon in the Wall Street Journal, 28 May 1982.
Interview with Defense Minister Sharon on Israel radio, 29 May 1982.
Statement by Defense Minister Sharon on Israeli arms sales to Iran, 30 May 1982.
Address by Foreign Minister Shamir in honor of German Foreign Minister Genscher, 3 June 1982.