1981-1982 - Culminación de la Paz con Egipto


Fuente: Ministerio de RREE de Israel

Los siguientes documentos, que cubren el año 1981 y la primara mitad de 1982, tratan principalmente de las fases finales de ejecución del Tratado de Paz Israel-Egipto que se completa con la retirada israelí del Sinaí el 25  de abril de 1982.

Among the other events featured in the documents, are differences of views between Israel and the United States on American arms sales to Arab states, the visit of Prime Minister Begin to Washington in September 1981, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Cooperation between Jerusalem and Washington after the bombing by Israel of the Iraqi nuclear facility near Baghdad (June 1981) and the passage of the Golan Heights Law (December 1981). 

Attention is also focused on the state of relations with Egypt after the assassination of President Sadat in October 1981. 

It also includes relevant United Nations General Assembly and Security Council resolutions, virtually all of them anti-Israel, adopted by the automatic pro-Arab majority in the world organization.

Special attention was given to events along the Israel-Lebanon border, and especially the mini-war fought along that border in July 1981.

Cronología del período

Fuente: Ministerio de RREE de Israel

Documentos selectos relacionados con esta época

Fuente: Ministerio de RREE de Israel