Weekly Veggie Mix

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Organic carrots 1 pound peeled into ribbons and cut up a bit

Organic celery 1/2 package cut up into very small pieces

2-3 large broccoli stems peeled and cut up into very small pieces

1 bunch of parsley minced

1 small zucchini cut into small pieces


This make s a large bowl full. You can vary the amounts to make what you like. Just scoop out a cup or two for each meal and add what you like. You can eat it with various beans and grains with an oil and vinegar dressing. Bill and I added cooked and cooled cut up squid and a splash of lemon and red hot and it was soooo good. You could add shrimp, chicken etc too if you wanted. Nuts and dried cherries are yummy too. At the end of the week use the left over veggies to make a basic soup base for whatever. It is a good chew and satisfying.

Special Notes

Recipe idea from Sherry Jones.