Beach Bar Tomato Soup


Beach Bar Tomato Soup

1 sm onion large 28 oz. can of tomato soup

1/2 cup butter 1/2 tsp garlic powder (I use fresh and saute with onion)

12 oz. cream cheese 1 Tablespoon of Basil

8 oz. half and half 1 tsp parsley

32 oz. crushed tomatoes


Saute butter, onion and stir in melted cream cheese, and half and half, until smooth. Add remaining ingredients.

(I add 2 bouillons or 2 tsp McKays and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar..) I smooth with the mixing wand. I add some chives and oregano from my garden.

Special Notes

Recipe from a bar...but given to us by Patsy Lincolnhol. She served it on a cold fall day at a tailgate party and it was a hit!

I used much less butter and 8 oz of cream cheese and it still was very rich. I also added shredded parmesan cheese.