Refrig Pickles


Refrigerator Pickles

Source: Adapted from Annie’s Eats, originally from Delicious Meliscious

For the Brine

*In total, I ended up making three batches of brine to result in six large jars of pickles. I would recommend mixing up one batch of brine as listed below, and then making more batches if necessary to use all of your cucumbers.

3 cups water

8 tablespoons vinegar (I used cider vinegar, but white vinegar will also work)

2 tablespoons kosher salt

For the Pickles



Coriander seeds

Pickling cucmbers

1. Combine the water, vinegar, and salt in a pitcher, mixing well to combine.

2. Slice the cucumbers according to preference. Place the cucumbers in the canning jars with a good amount of garlic, dill and coriander seeds.

3. Pour some brine into each jar until it is full.

4. Put the lid on the jars, shake to combine everything well, and refrigerate for at least two days before eating.


Special Notes
