Cocoa Pavlova with Chocolate Mousseline topping and fresh Fruit


(chocolate mousseline topping)

Egg yolks, lightly beaten 3 each

Flour 1 Tbsp plus 1 tsp

Heavy cream 1 cup plus 1/3 cup (240ml + 75ml)

Sugar 1/3 cup (75ml)

Chocolate, 66 to 70%, melted 4 oz. (115g)

Vanilla extract ¾ tsp

(cocoa pavlova)

Egg Whites, room temperature 6 each

White vinegar 1 ½ tsp

Salt pinch

Sugar 1 ½ cup (360ml)

Vanilla ¾ tsp

Cornstarch 3 tsp

Cocoa powder 1 ½ Tbsp

Fresh fruit seasonal


  1. Make chocolate mousseline topping: Since this topping should be thoroughly chilled to allow it to thicken, Make it a day ahead and chill overnight.
  2. Place the egg yolks in 3-quart stainless steel saucepan, sprinkle with salt and whisk to break up yolks. Gradually whisk in flour until mixture is smooth. Add 1 cup cream very slowly, whisking all the while to keep mixture lump-free. Stir in sugar.
  3. Place the pan over medium heat and cook, stirring constantly with whisk about 7-10 minutes, or until custard just boils. Remove from the heat.
  4. Immediately strain custard through fine-meshed sieve into chilled bowl. Gently stir in melted chocolate and vanilla extract.
  5. Cover surface of custard flush with plastic wrap to prevent skin from forming and let cool completely at room temperature. Wrap tightly with more plastic, as needed, and refrigerate until completely cool, but not fully set about 1 hour.
  6. Using electric mixer fitted with whip attachment, beat remaining 1/3 cup cream to stiff peaks. Fold whipped cream into chilled chocolate custard base. Cover surface of custard flush with plastic wrap again. Set in refrigerator to chill overnight.
  7. Prepare and bake Pavlova: Position rack in center of oven and preheat oven to 400°F (205°C). Trace 9 inch diameter circle onto piece of parchment paper, using a cake pan or other round object as your guide. Turn parchment paper over so ink marks are facing pan and secure edges to 15” x 10” cookie sheet by placing a dab of butter in each corner.
  8. Combine egg whites, vinegar and salt in bowl of electric mixer fitted with whip attachment. Beat whites on medium speed to soft peaks. Turn mixer to high speed and gradually add sugar in slow, steady stream, followed by vanilla extract. Continue to beat until whites are very thick and glossy and hold stiff peaks, about 5 minutes. Sift cornstarch and cocoa powder evenly over meringue and beat again on high speed until well combined, another 1 or 2 minutes.
  9. Immediately spoon half of mixture into center of circle traced on prepared cookie sheet. Gently spread meringue mixture to edges of circle with offset spatula. Turn remaining meringue into pastry bag fitted with a star tip to make a decorative border.
  10. Turn oven down to 250°F (122°C). Bake meringue about 1 hour and 30-35 minutes or until crisp and dry on outside and firm marshmallow-like consistency on inside. Turn off the oven, leave door ajar and let meringue cool completely in oven, approximately 1 hour.
  11. Assemble Pavlova: Because meringue will quickly get soggy once it comes in contact with fruit or filling, it is best to assemble pavlova just before serving.
  12. When meringue is cool, carefully transfer to completely flat serving plate. Fill shallow cavity inside decorative border with chocolate mousseline filling and then arrange the fresh fruit. Serve

Special Notes

Makes one 12 to 14 inch diameter Pavlova

From: L'assitte de Paris