Coffee Cake


1 egg

1/2 C sugar

1/2 C milk

2 T melted shortening

1 C flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt


1/4 C brown sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 T flour

1 tsp butter melted

1/2 C nuts


Mix batter and then pour into a 8 inch greased round pan. Top with the topping mixture. Bake 20 minutes.

Special Notes

Recipe from Patsy Lincolnhol

On Sunday mornings my dad would usually make bacon and then fry the eggs in the bacon fat. We would have the kitchen jobs parceled out and the first to get to work would be the coffee cake maker. It would need to get in the oven quick so it was done right when we were done having breakfast. It was so cinnamony yummy and we used to put it on our plate upside down and put butter on it top.