Chocolate Crust Egg Nog Pie



1 1/2 C chocolate wafer crumbs

6 T butter melted

1 env. gelatin

2 T sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1 C milk

3 slightly beaten eggs yolks

3 T rum or brandy

3 eggs whites

1/4 C sugar

1/2 C whipping cream

1/4 tsp ground nutmeg


Mix crust ingredients, press into a pie pan and chill. Mix together gelatin water and slat. Stir in milk and egg yolk. Cook until it coats a spoon. Remove from heat and stir in rum. Chill till partially set. Beat egg whites with sugar till stiff. Fold in whipped cream and custard. Chill till mounds then put in crust.

Special Notes

Recipe from Patsy Lincolnhol