Potato Gnocchi


1 kilo boiled potatoes

300 grams all purpose flour

1 whole egg

1 T large salt

a whole nutmeg grated to add what you like (maybe a half)



Wash potatoes well and place in large pot and cover with cold water and add salt.

When potatoes are cooked (do not overcook - skins should not burst) remove from water and let cool. Peel potatoes and weigh.

Using a potato ricer, rice potatoes into a mound. Make a well and add egg. Grate some nutmeg and parmigiano cheese over the top. Add salt. To this add up to 30% the weight of the potatoes in flour. (i.e.: 1000 grams of cooked potatoes and up to 300 grams of flour) Work mixture together until all ingredients are incorporated in a dough. Kneed dough on a floured surface. Roll into large log and cover to let rest.

Cut dough into about 8 portions. Roll each portion into a snake. Cut into pieces of equal length. Lightly toss gnocchi with flour using pastry scraper. Be careful not to heap gnocchi into a pile.

When hot water has boiled add salt to water. Place some of the gnocchi in the boiling water. Gnocchi are ready when they float to the surface. Gnocchi can be dressed with sauce and served immediately.

Or, when they are cooked they can be placed in a bath with ice to cool quickly and stop the cooking. Then remove from bath and place in a casserole to which you've already put some sauce to coat the bottom. When full, add more sauce and gently coat the gnocchi. Bake in an oven at 375 degrees until bubbly. Grate some cheese over the top and serve.

Special Notes

Recipe from Andrew Arnone

Andrew made this for us up north when visiting. He served it with a "Carni in umido" meat sauce and then served a caesar salad. Delicious!!

Andrew cooked the potatoes about 10 minutes in the microwave and then about 20 minutes in the oven instead of boiling. He also spread the shredded potato out on a pan to cool.