Ray's Breakfast Casserole

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8-10 slices of sourdough bread cut in cubes

12 eggs, no more no less

4 cups of milk, Ray uses 1/2 and 1/2

2 tsp. dry mustard

2 tsp of salt, Ray uses less

pepper to taste

2 cups of extra sharp cheddar grated (recipe says as much as 4 cups

but that's too much 2 is good)

2 lbs. ground sausage ( Ray uses one pound medium)


1. Butter at least a 9 by13 pan ( ours is larger).

2. Brown sausage and drain.

3. Place cubed bread in greased baking dish.

4. Spoon sausage over bread evenly.

5. Spread grated cheese over top of sausage.

6. Using mixer in separate bowl, mix together the 12 eggs, milk, mustard, salt and pepper.

7. Pour the egg mixture evenly over the bread, sausage and cheese in the baking dish.

8. We poke it a little to get the cheese down in some. It is best if refrigerated over night.

Bake at 350 degrees .

Cooking time about an hour. You know when its done when the cheese slightly browns and it puffs up.

Special Notes

Recipe from Lee Amundsen, served at a retired teacher gathering.

Now " Ray Lincolnhol's Breakfast speciality