
Crew 169 Engineering Report

SOL: 12 13May2016

Crew Engineers: Walter Orson, Lazo Pazce

Diesel – Full, 100%

Propane – 30%

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) - 4 gallons

Water (trailer) measured in cm from the bottom– 0 centimeters

Water (static) measured in cm from the top – 15 centimeters

Trailer to Static Pump used – 1

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – 95

Water Meter: 0.40

Atv # Oil Checked: OK

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: 0

Atv # Tires Status: OK

Atv # Hours Used Day: 0

Atv # n/a

Notes and Comments: n/a

Summary of engineering activities:

Elizabeth Centurion: Final evaluation of the soils and obtained conclusions of the germinated plants.

Orson Lazo: Support the project of Celeste for optimize the communication between the IMU System with the control system of the hexapodous robot. Obtained the final conclusions and the results of his objectives are successful.

Marcos Bruno: Evaluated the range of the communication system. The functions of the robot have good operation.

Celeste Balladares: Tested the IMU system with the functionality of the hexapodous robot trough steep slope.

Nolverth Huaman: Tested and worked in the final samples.

Luis Ibañez: Finish the computer model trough the one hundred percentage of his dates obtained.

Jeel Moya: Obtained final samples and tested for discover other bacteria.