
Engineering Report 164.10



Engineering Report


Date: 03/02/2016 at 6:30p.m.

Crew Engineer Name: Louis Maller

Diesel – 0%

Propane – 52%

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – one empty container, one

half full (2.5 gallons)

Water (trailer) measured in cm from the bottom– 19in / 42in i.e.

48cm/106.6cm from the bottom

Water (static) measured in cm from the top – 29in / 42in i.e.

73cm/106.6cm from the top

Trailer to Static Pump used – 0in i.e. 0cm

Water (loft) – 90.8 liters i.e. 24 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used – 78 gallons i.e. 295 liters

Water Meter: 105 316.4 gallons

Atv # Oil Checked: all ATVs full

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: Half a gallon due to today’s EVA (3 ATVs)

Atv # Tires Status: No tire problems

Atv # Hours Used Day: 1h00

Atv # Notes and Comments:



Red Honda OK

ATV#4 is reported to have some gearbox problems. It works but we’re

afraid of damaging the gearbox when using it, because it makes strange

noises when the gears change.

Summary of Engineering activities:

Engineering check during morning EVA

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support:

A leak was spotted a little left of the previous leak during the EVA.

There was a puddle which contained fairly a lot of water. Is it also a

known leak?

The diesel gauge issue is already taken care of.


Louis Maller

Crew Engineer for MDRS Supaero Crew 164