

Science Report 15 Apr 2016

Sol 07

Jonathan Beechner added details to his hab model (windows, the back porch, misc. colors and textures, etc.). He still needs to add furniture and import the model into Unity. Jaxom Hartman made progress debugging code and renovating interactions. The remainder of his terrain modeling will be completed after returning home.

Victoria LaBarre completed a second EVA after making modifications to the rover, switching wheels and adding bars across the wheels to prevent the axels from sliding out of the motor sockets. Today’s test was performed locally outside the Hab to see how well the EMSR could travel through muddy terrain. Results from today’s EVA indicate the EMSR travels with more success over mud or hard terrain, rather than soft silt.

Jonathan Beechner

Crew Geologist/Greenhab

Victoria LaBarre

Crew Chemist/Chef

Jaxom Hartman

Crew Biologist/Engineer