
> Commander Report

> Mehdi Scoubeau

> 01/03/2016


> Dear Earth,


> Mitigated feedback for this morning EVA since we were at

> last able to find the right path to explore a canyon

> situated east of the Hab that we have been looking for two

> days already but we came back to the Hab late which

> prevented us from conducting properly the experimentation we

> had initially planned. Some discussions on the EVA security

> and time monitoring lead us to re-precise several of our

> protocols and raised the question if we should build and EVA

> procedures manual on which everybody agrees beforehand and

> that ensures the safety AND efficiency of every outside

> activities. Anyway, that would allow the junior crewmembers

> to better prepare next year mission.


> The rest of the day was filled with many and varied

> endeavors such as fixing the backpacks, filling scientific

> reports, working on the EVA schedule for the three remaining

> days and trying to solve the mystery of our water

> consumption. The completion of some of these tasks deserves

> some communication:


> - Over one week and half, the crew has built

> three almost brand new helmets and repaired two

> malfunctioning backpacks;


> - The writing of the end of mission summary has

> started;


> - Two ATV EVAs and a walking one are planned for

> the next three days.


> Lastly, the different talks we had today also raised the

> question of the personality of the people that will be

> chosen to explore Mars. Overall, I think one will have to

> juggle between two slightly opposed positions: being bold

> enough to explore new roads but at the same time chose the

> safe way when it matters, being able to chill and joke but

> also knowing when to be serious and talk about important

> matters… However, I like to think mankind will chose

> people with different types of personalities that can work

> well together. After all, this is why we are sending a team

> and not only one person, isn’t it?







> Crew 164