Mission Goals

Crew 143 Mission Goals:

- Commit to adhering to simulation conditions, rules, and restrictions during MDRS stay

- Conduct diverse and organized scientific, engineering, and human research studies to meet individual crew member goals

- Maintain public outreach as appropriate for each individual crew member’s goals

- Learn new skills that would be applicable to living at FMARS for a year from other crew members

Individual Crew Goals

Paul Knightly: Conduct a geologic study by collecting surface and subsurface samples. Will test the implementation of a soil vapor sampling program to be expanded on at FMARS. Will design and test new field methods as needed.

Paul Sokoloff: Conduct an inventory of the vascular plants, mosses, lichens, and cyanobacteria at MDRS. Part of an expanded program looking at the diversity of Arctic plants at the FMARS site on the Haughton Crater.

Anastasiya Stepanova: Public outreach in Russian media, blogs and social media. Journalist reports in Russian have been sent to 4 Russian sources daily. Big article planned to be written in December and published. Collecting materials (interviews, photos) for book and public speeches.

Ian Silversides: Conduct structural inspections of the MDRS analogue site consisting of visual and simulation thermographic and backscatter X-Ray imaging. Perform simple repairs on samples of various materials while wearing a space suit.

Claude-Michel Laroche: Conduct a project that will aim to facilitate the handover of knowledge between crew member. The project object is a creation guide that will explain in a procedural manner how to create a check list or a guide to leave information to a crew mate. This information will allow the crew mate to conduct part of a project without an expert to assist him\her.

Alexandre Mangeot: Make learn how to conduct soil sampling to Ian, Claude-Michel and Anastasyia. Analysis of the samples will assess their progress since the sample of Paul will serve as reference. Physical stress of conducting this task will be measured by biosensors.

Alexandre Mangeot: Assess the habitability of the MDRS. A debriefing (method proposed by Dr. Schlacht) of the mission will be conducted with all the crew. This should lead to the proposition of improvements.

Mission purpose statement

It is the mission of MDRS Crew 143, Mars Arctic 365 Mission finalists, to provide a model both for effective crew dynamics and research implementation for Mars exploration scenarios.