
Crew 160 Journalist Report Sol 11

January 6, 2016

Cassandra Vella


GOOD MORNING VIETN-... Mars. Here on Mars it is a very good morning as it’s snowing beautifully outside; it’s the good, packing snow, too! When the others wake up we are SO building snowmartians in the tunnels. Currently the snow is about a half of an inch deep and still coming so let’s see how much more it gets. Right now, Hiroki and Marc are preparing breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon; it smells so good. Since it’s so early I’ll come back to this as the day is playing out today and see what happens.


There have been so many random flurries so far today but it’s all melting so quickly now that it’s warmed up a bit; the sky still hasn’t cleared, though. No snowmartians have been made on Sol 11. Lunch has been made, though! Today’s palette includes some garlic-y pasta with vegetables and chicken bits prepared by Hiroki and Marc. Most of the afternoon has consisted of research and relaxation today. A few of the crew members are choosing to relax and read in their rooms, or take naps. Myself and Lycourgos have spent some time enjoying some computer games. Today still seems like a really good day for Crew 160.


The Star Wars Marathon has started. Episode 4 to begin, of course. That’s the way we do it here on Mars.


Hiroki is preparing us a dinner of some mystery that nobody knows yet.. it’s probably a fancy dish involving rice or something. Hiroki is almost the best chef we have here, I’m certain it’ll be amazing! And then we’ll go back to Star Wars.