
Executive Officer Report

2 NOV 2015 -- Sol 10

Jackelynne SM

MDRS Daily Summary Report for Sol 10

Summary Title (your day in less that ten words):

Deck construction and GPS coordinates mapping

Mission Status: (How are things going?)

Even with the limitation of resources available in the hab, we have accomplished many of the tasks given by Shannon prior to starting our mission. Today we concentrated on the deck construction, which took most of the day.

Sol Activity Summary: (What did you learn/do today?)

Deck construction

GPS coordinates mapping

Sanding and painting of different spots in the hab

Continued with temperature recording of green hab and tanks inside for the ERAU group at three different times during the day

We have been able to progressively learn how each crew member works better. Thus, we applied crew members' strengths on the construction of the deck and although we had dust storms throughout the day and not the appropriate tools, we were able to complete the deck. We should be working on the steps that go to the tunnel in the next couple of days.

Look Ahead Plan: (How are you going to follow up? What’s the plan for tomorrow?)

Tomorrow, we have visitors from a TV channel so we will be helping them and providing information about MDRS.

Temperature recordings as well as engineering measurements will continue.

The last days of our rotation, we will be completing the steps of the deck that will take crews into the tunnel. Now that we have materials (we got a water tank and materials delivery today) we should also be able to cover the wall in the engineering area of Level 1 of the Hab and leave it ready for the next crews.

Anomalies in work: (Any problems?)

- Working with EVA suits not only take more time and gets the crew more tired than without them, but it also creates a risk of not performing a good job. We noticed when connecting the wires to secure the cattle panels for the tunnel to the greenhab that due to the bulky suits and gloves the work had to be refined afterward when not in sim. Thus, we decided that for the deck construction we would work out of sim. This resulted in a more effective job.

- We did not have the necessary tools to accomplish the mission (deck construction). We found some alternative materials and tools to substitute them and still do the work, but after a few uses they did not work properly. A couple of crew members had to do an unplanned trip to town and borrowed a saw. It didn't work as efficiently as one would want but it solved the problem and we were able to complete the deck construction.


Very windy. Starting around 10am we had dust storms that continued throughout the day. In the morning it was about 10degC, and during the day about 20degC.

Crew Physical Status:

Energized at the beginning of the day. Tired toward the midday, and by the end of the day really tired but feeling accomplished to have one of the big projects of our mission complete.

EVA: (where did you go?)

EVA was aborted today due to the risks explained in the "Anomalies in work" section.

Reports to be filed: (List them)

See Commander's report

Support Requested:

Hanksville town for resources

Respectfully Submitted,

Jackelynne Silva-Martinez

Executive Officer, MDRS Crew 155