
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 7, 1/02/16

“Surprisingly Normal Day”

Commander Reporting

Mission Status: Explored surrounding landmarks and will create a self-charted map with personal notes for current and future crews of MDRS.

Sol Activity Summary: Each crew member will continue to conduct their personal research. Daily reports as usual. We have started to compile our Mid-Rotation Video for Mission Support. Tested the rover in the tunnels with our engineer.

Look Ahead Plan: Now that I jotted down personal notes and explored surrounding landmarks, I will ensure that each member is completely comfortable with navigation to provide 100% self-reliance with guidance to arrive safely to the Hab.

Anomalies in work: There are no anomalies to report.

Weather: It was quite cloudy today, no wind noted.

Crew Physical Status: Each crew member is doing fine!

EVA: Yes – 12S-051850E-425059N, 12S-051925E-425005N,


Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

Journalist Report

GreenHab Report

Engineering Report

Engineering EVA #06 Summary Report

Support Requested: Still awaiting gas refill from cargo ship. We requested any required EVAs tasked by Mission Support and waiting for replies on this matter.