
Commander Report

1 NOV 2015 -- Sol 9

Paul Bakken


Greetings Mission Support!

Crew 155 will send a Commander Report, Engineer Report, and Journalist Report today. We have other reports to submit, pending receipt of the format templates.

Due to the switch to Daylight Saving Time, we enjoyed an extra hour of sleep. We especially appreciated it due to the evening excursion to the neighboring settlement for the “Trunk or Treat” festival. Upon return to the Hab, we still had PMCS and other tasks to perform, so most crew did not get to sleep until 2300 hours. But the late hours were worth it!

Operation Trunk or Treat was a HUGE success.

The settlers were happy that we joined the community dinner at the primary school, and very interested in our uniforms and the MDRS. We answered lots of questions and had a number of engaging conversations. I think that I personally met and chatted up most of the settlement’s business owners, and the Postmaster made a point of introducing herself.

The trunk or treating was fun, too. Everyone parked their vehicles in a designated area, and the kids visited each station. We had two crew in EVA suits, and another handing out store bought candy. I walked around and introduced myself to all of the other adults at their vehicles -- and shared with them some of our crew stash of international candy. That was particularly well received!

In all, it was a fun event and I think that Crew 155 created a lot of goodwill for the MDRS and the Mars Society.

This morning, we had a quick pancake breakfast and then immediately got to work.

Crew 155 tackled the following jobs today:

1. Measured out the locations for the back porch footings, and poured the concrete support piers. They will need to cure before we can begin construction of the porch.

2. Fixed the last gaps in the tunnels system and reinforced the wire bindings. The tunnel system looks really good now!

3. Installed blank cover plate over inoperative kitchen switch.

4. Steel wool stuffed in various mouse sized holes, which is recommended to keep them from chewing through the sealant that follows the steel wool.

5. Sealed the same holes with foam sealant.

6. Holes in the floor of the Engineering area from abandoned utilities also filled with steel wool and foam sealant.

7. New jumbo single throw light switch plate installed on Deck 2 stateroom wall. The old one was cracked and spattered with paint.

8. 4”x4” metal cover plate installed on exposed junction box above the Breaker panel on Deck 1.

9. New ballast installed in fluorescent fixture in the Engineering area. The old one died. Moreover, the new one is the correct type of ballast for that particular fixture. The old one wasn’t.

10. GHO Nguyen and I repaired the Trekker’s guitar. We still need to tune it, though.

11. GHO Nguyen and HSO Harrison gather the first data points for the GPS readings on the roads around the MDRS. They also took a panoramic photo of each point.

12. Removed vestigial support cables for the old GreenHab from the side the Hab.

13. Patched unused, former utility conduit holes on the exterior of the Hab with the same materials and technique used on the existing, similar patches.

14. Throughout the day, I tested my ozone laundering machine on batches of personal laundry. This was a necessity, since the accumulated used clothing from the last several days of strenuous work had left my stateroom smelling like a wet dog. I found that a 30 minute treatment is effective in de-odorizing a small batch of clothing. My room smells much better now.

15. Throughout the day, all crew took time to assist CJ Klos with her Artist-in-Residence project.

GHO Nguyen is currently preparing evening meal. He says he is making Martian Sushi!

Tomorrow, we should receive the construction materials delivery from the Tholus Supply Depot (Loa hardware store). Pending that delivery, we will conduct a series of EVAs in the area immediately outside the Hab to construct the new back porch. We are hoping to conduct this phase of the project in Sim, but will have to see how it goes.

The crew has requested another round of “Coup” tonight after Hab PMCS is complete. I suspect that we may also conduct another MDRS Olympic event. Stay tuned to find out what!

As I finish this report, DG Interplanetary Delivery and Support Services has arrived to replenish our water supply. This is a very good thing since, after the concrete work today, we had about 60 gallons of water total left at the Hab. Whew!

Until next time, I will leave you all with this traditional Martian blessing:

“May the Planitias rise up to greet You,

May Clean Air be always in your LSU Pack,

May the Sun shine strong on your Solar Collectors,

May the Waters be plentiful in your Regolith fields,

And until we meet again,

May Providence shine upon all your Endeavors.”

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Bakken

Commander, MDRS Crew 155