
CommanderCheckIn Report


Jamie Guined

Crew Physical Health:

Crew health is nominal; everyone feels great.

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Crew 138 had a great first night on analog Mars. After having dinner with the MDRS Director, we returned to the Hab to continue settling in and organizing our things.

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

The Crew completed light Hab maintenance under the direction of MDRS Director this morning, which included repair to the support structure of the back deck. The Crew also spent half the day deep cleaning the Hab, and organizing trouble areas identified by the MDRS Director.

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Crew 138 used the early afternoon hours to explore the immediate vicinity of MDRS to orient ourselves with the "no fly/no ATV" zones, local landmarks, and routes for EVA planning purposes. This also served as a great activity to facilitate crew bonding.

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Hab Maint:

Support structure for the back deck was repaired.

Rep Sched:

Commander's Check In Report

Commander's Report

HSO Report

Engineering Report

Greenhab Report

Journalist's Report

Tomorrow Plan:

Final trip to Hanksville to return the food totes and a food barrel, at the request of MDRS Director. Perform a checkout of EVA/Sim suits.


MDRS Director noted a shortage of vegetables in the Hab, so we will pick some up on our trip to Hanksville tomorrow morning.

Support Req:

Greenhab Director Orenstein, should we continue covering the plants at night, or is it now ok to leave them uncovered since the overnight temperatures are above freezing?
