
Crew 161

EVA #5 Summary Report

EVA Date: 15th Jan 2016

Crew Engineer Reporting

Purpose: To test the tracks of robot tank on the region we selected in today’s EVA

Location: 12S-518206E-4253574N

Number of EVA Crew: 3

Crew Members on EVA: Mikhail Khmelik, Natalia Glazkova, Adeniyi Adebayo


- ATV 1 Used: Yes

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: Yes

- ATV 4 Used: Yes

ATV time usage: 1.00 Hours

Duration of EVA: 1 hour 20 min

EVA departure time: 12.00pm

EVA return time: 12.20pm

Time Checks:

- 11.03am - ATV start

- 11.15am - Lost communication with HAB

- 11.35am - Tracks tested

- 11.50am - Continue exploring

- 12.05pm - Return to the HAB

- 12.17pm - Entered the HAB

Coordinate Checks:

- 12S-518905-4250977 - Comm lost

- 12S-518206-4203574 - Soil for the robotic arm

Summary: Tracks test unsuccessful. Have to increase surface area for better connection with the soil. Will test on the next EVA. Explored the road further. Found two additional roads that are suitable for travel. New EVAs are needed for exploration and robot testing.