
GreenHab Report


Heidi Beemer

Current Temperature:


Minimum Temperature:


Maximum Temperature:


Current Humidity:


Minimum Humidity:


Maximum Humidity:


Hydro Tank Level:

2 in

Hydro Tank P H:

Hydro Tank Temp F:

Hydro Tank Over Flow:

6 gal

Plant Report:

Plants are growing fine. No issues to report Watering Activity Notes:

All plants where watered at 1700.

Heater Activity Notes:

Heaters turned off at 0745 and turned back on at 1700.

Fan Activity Notes:

Fans temperature was adjusted to 75 deg

Hydroponic Time:

Hydroponic Duration:

Hydroponic Kw H:

Led Lamp Time:


Led Lamp Duration:

10.75 hrs

Led Lamp Kw H:


Maintenance Report:

I was able to get through steps 1-5 starting at 1000 today. I only had to add 8 gallons before the reserve was full and I had no issues with adding nutrients.

Once I turned on the system the water came out too fast and filled the bags, went through the bags and through the drain. After about 2 mins the 5 qt bucket was over flowing.

I tried moving the sprinklers around and it slowed down a little the second time, but still very fast flow. In attempt to stop the over flowing bucket I also knocked the pipe with the valves and it disconnected and I got my first bath in five days, which was nice. But we did loose water.

On the third try I added more soil to the bags and screwed down all the sprinkler heads tight.

When I turned it on that time it seemed to have a reasonable flow but after 30 seconds the water tank was too low to pump water.

I now have about 6 gallons of remaining wastewater (I had to dump about 6 due to lack of buckets to catch incoming water) that I have been pouring back on the bowls to keep the soil moist and a 2 in deep water reserve. At this point I stopped in order to trouble shoot further ….Great day over al of green hab science.