
Journalist Report


Jimmy Urquhart


Crew 138 recognized Saint Patrick's day by just noting it was the

seventeenth and eating stale green frosted pastries. More

maintenance and repairs were performed on the Hab and the smell of the

overfilling septic tank was a common topic of discussion.

Most any outdoor activities were kept at a minimum as an unexpected

wind storm blew over the Hab. The outer doors to the Hab

were almost ripped off by the wind until they could be secured. The

wind also took out the secondary satellite dish for the

journalistic project. It will be out of commission until it can be

repaired and re-aimed.

No one has attempted to maim or kill anyone ... in fact, everyone

seems to be getting along very well.


And the winds with their swiftness along their path,

And the sea with its deepness,

And the rocks with their steepness,

And the earth with its starkness

..." -Saint Patrick

Lastly, the crew entered the simulation phase of the mission this

evening to the sounds of howling winds and Russian symphonics.