
EVA Number: Crew 160

EVA #06 Summary Report

EVA Date: 2nd Jan 2016

Crew Commander Reporting

Purpose of EVA: We conducted the EVA today for identifying landmarks and taking personal notes so that our current crew as well as future crews will have better understating of the surroundings near MDRS.

Location of EVA: 12S-518655E-4250895N, 12S-518100E-4249200N, 12S-518400E-4249200N, 12S-518550E-4249340N, 12S-518655E-4250895N

Number of EVA Crew: 4

Crew Members going on EVA: Lycourgos, Hiroki, Cassandra, John


-ATV 1 Used: no

-ATV 2 Used: no

-ATV 3 Used: no

-ATV 4 Used: no

ATV time usage: N/A

Duration of EVA: ~1 Hour

EVA departure time: 1054

EVA return time: 1216

Time Checks:

-1st: 1128

Summary: The EVA was successful. We took personal notes and jotted a map of the surroundings with designated names to the landmarks. This will be helpful for our crew as well as future crews that arrive at MDRS.