
DRS Daily Summary Report for Sol 03, Crew 162

Summary Title: Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against

the dying of the light.

Mission Status: Our third Sol on Mars was a model day. It had structure

and purpose and the team is functioning as a well-oiled machine. We have

a schedule that works and a philosophy of helping whenever and wherever

needed to support one another. Research filled our afternoon and we are

excited for our upcoming media visit on Thursday (Sol 05).

Sol Activity Summary: Team rose early for a stargazing opportunity prior

to sunrise but was not able to catch the Iridium satellite pass-by or

get the telescope fired up in time. Still, we had a good time bundling

up against the cold morning air and trying our best to capture digital

photos of the planets, moon, hab and sunrise from the observatory

tunnel. During our morning planning conference, we defined our

short-term team goals and got ourselves properly organized for the week.

We have much work ahead of us but are ready to accept the challenges of

life in sim. We trained on EVA prep and HabCom skills as well as how to

perform engineering checks. Research activities were the focus of the

afternoon while we watched the movie Interstellar, a favorite of our

team who ponder things like planetary stability and the search for

Earth-like planets in habitable zones around other stars that we might

one day colonize. Our EVA for hunting micrometeorites went off without

any issues and we will see in a few days if the first batch of topsoil

collected by the Commander and HSO revealed any particles from outer


Look Ahead Plan: We are waiting on a response to our questions about the

media visits this week and next. We will continue our research projects

and report on our progress. We are excited about the upcoming

opportunities to discuss not only our research and graduate school

research but to help showcase the best features of the MDRS program at

this site. We will be sprucing up the hab in anticipation of our

visiting crew members' docking.

Anomalies in work: No problems experienced on Sol 03

Weather: Clear, cool and beautiful day today on Mars.

Crew Physical Status: Crew is in good health but feeling the effects of

a very full day today.

EVA: Commander and HSO completed a short (30 minute) on-foot EVA near

the hab to collect topsoil samples that may contain micrometeorites that

have fallen through the atmosphere. No issues encountered. Team will

submit an EVA summary during tonight's comm window.

No EVA requested for tomorrow, Sol 04. We would like to perform an EVA

during the media visit on Thursday, Sol 05.

Reports to be filed tonight:

-Daily Summary

- Commander’s Report

-Green Hab Report

-EVA Summary

-Engineering Report

-Journalist Report

- Daily Photos

Support Requested: No support requested beyond the engineering resource

requests of water and propane refills and trash removal.