
Journalist Report


Michal Czapski

Big day for the Crew 145! Visitors from another planet came to visit the Hab. Jupiterian film production crew landed safely on

the Red Planet and was welcomed by the team from Mars. After warm greetings, the crew prepared for the EVA to show the

scouting and search and rescue capabilities to the visitors. It seems like Jupiterians are far more used to the harsh martian

environment as they managed to survive outside without a spacesuit. First, Michal and Susan, the EVA team, saved injured

astronaut, Igor, and brought him back safely on the rover back to the Hab. Later, they tasted two UAVs for scouting. As Igor

still needed help, he was subjected to immediate surgery of the lower right leg, performed by Susan, assisted by Matteo. The

patient survived! Julielynn presented the GreenHab and thought the film team about 3D printing. The day ended with an

interplanetary dinner together with the Jupiterian crew.