
CommanderCheckIn Report


Prepared by Paulina Sidwell

Crew Physical Health:

Healthy and happy to be here!

Eva Depart Time:


Eva Return Time:


Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Explored the quarry, did team building exercises, and took photographs

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Hab Maint:

We made sure that the packs were all in working order. We replaced a fuse in Pack 2 and Pack 5, and resucured the charging port on pack 5. Pack 3 has a dead battery, cracked shell and the battery holder is lose. We repaired the cracked shell but are waiting for it to dry. A future crew will have to secure the battery tray and plug in the battery that is next to the tub.

Also, at 1100 hours, due to unknown source, our allowance went down from 90% to 30%. We turned off all devices on the network, and are choosing not to reconnect them until we determine the source. Therefore, for today's reports, we will be using the control station computer, and I will be submitting the reports on behalf of my crew to save as much as possible of what's left of our data allowance. Also, we wish to request to hold off on sending GreenHab pictures and the daily pictures until tomorrow, if that is OK.

Rep Sched:

Tomorrow Plan:

We will wake up tomorrow out of sim and spend the morning cleaning and packing. We will be meeting team Peru in Hanksville tomorrow around noon.


We are low on water (the trailer tank is empty)

We are a low on gas as well

Water and gas should be refilled before next crew start sim.

Support Req:


We caught a large rat in one of the estate rooms.