
Commander’s Report


Liz Painter

Today has been spent packing our luggage and cleaning up the HAB. We met Crew 153 at the Market in town and transported them to MDRS. We have spent the afternoon orienting them to the HAB, the suits, the ATVs, the observatory, operating procedures and reports.

One concern we have today is there has been a dramatic drop in our available data. We have double checked our phones and laptops to make sure all wifi and automatic updates are off. We have also double checked and reinforced this with Crew 153. They are in compliance. We are unsure why our usage is dropping so dramatically. We have not had this problem during our rotation.

We have not received an ATV fuel delivery.

We have really enjoyed getting to know Crew 153. They appear very eager to begin their simulation. We will stay with them through CapCom and then depart for Grand Junction.

Thank you once again for this unique and invaluable experience.

Signing Off,

Liz Painter, Commander, Crew 152B