
EVA Report

Date: 12-26-13

Author: Michael Bouchard


1) Investigate a frozen stream bed in this Martian analog environment, and collect 4-6 samples

2) Continue Geologic Mapping Project

3) Collect soil for the Green Hab

4) ATV mobility

Participants: //Gen 2

EVA Commander: Nick Orenstein (radio, suit #7, ATV # 1)

Coms and Nav: Michael Bouchard (radio, GPS, suit # 8, ATV # 2)

Participant: Hiroyuki Miyajima (radio, suit # 9, ATV # 3)

Participant: Charles Parrish (radio, suit # 10, ATV # 4)

Habitat Support CapCom (HSCC): Ian Etter (radio, no suit)

EVA Stats:

Date: 12/27/2013

Start Time: 11:00 am //Depart Hab

Turn Back Time: 2:30

Duration: 4 hours

Distance: 1.2 km one way on ATV, 0.4 km one way walking traverse, return on same path

Forecast: Sunny 35 high, light and variable wind, low of 17 in evening

Waypoints: //pick 3-4 points on a map that you plan to reach during your traverse and check in with HSCC when you reach these locations. Also Check in with HSCC every quarter.

Waypoint 1:

UTM: NAD 27 12S, 518230mE 4250710mN

Arrive Time: 11:05

Depart Time: 11:10

Location: South of the Hab

Waypoint 2:

UTM: NAD 27 12S, 518875E 4250720mN

Arrive Time: 11:30

Depart Time: 11:50

Location: First Dig site, sample and survey, West of the Hab

Waypoint 3:

UTM: NAD 27 12S, 518900mE 4250000mN

Arrive Time: 12:30

Depart Time: 12:35

Location: Park ATV's, North or Waypoint 2

Waypoint 4:

UTM: NAD 27 12S, 518900mE 4250300mN

Arrive Time: 2:00

Depart Time: 2:10

Location: West of the parked ATV's hike in, farthest extent west