
Eva Report


Michaela Musilova

Eva Number:


Eva Date:


Time Slot:



Collect sediment samples for the OU from a site Musilova scouted out earlier in the week.


We went to a site near the hab, which was previously scouted for dry sandy sediment perfect for the OU/ESA study. Indeed, it turned out to be a great location, however the samples were difficult to extract and took us a long time to do.

Eva Depart Time:


Check In Time One:


Check In One E:


Check In One N:


Check In Note One:

OU sediment sampling - very hard work digging

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Check In East Three:

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Check In East Four:

Check In North Four:

Check In Note Four:

Eva Return Time:


Wp1 E:

Wp1 N:

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Eva W P1depart Time:

Wp1 Find:

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Eva W P4arrive Time:

Eva W P4depart Time:

Waypoint Four Finding:

Waypoint Five Easting:

Waypoint Five Northing:

Waypoint Five Arrive Time:

Waypoint Five Depart Time:

Waypoint Five Findings:


Eva Report


Ashley Dale

Eva Number:


Eva Date:


Time Slot:



In search of endoliths. Considered study for water content.


This EVA was conducted with the HAB car. After a good scouting, unfortunately, Musilova was not able to collect as many samples as she would have liked. Region scouted for soil fit for ESA hardware testing. Srivastava decided against collecting soil samples for study of water content - the direction of her work changed slightly and she will be collecting samples more locally tomorrow. The region travelled to was great for a photo-op.

Eva Depart Time:

Check In Time One:

Check In One E:

Check In One N:

Check In Note One:

Check In Time Two:

Check In East Two:

Check In Note Two:

Check In Time Three:

Check In East Three:

Check In North Three:

Check In Note Three:

Check In Time Four:

Check In East Four:

Check In North Four:

Check In Note Four:

Eva Return Time:

Wp1 E:

Wp1 N:

Waypoint1arrive Time:

Eva W P1depart Time:

Wp1 Find:

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Eva W P4arrive Time:

Eva W P4depart Time:

Waypoint Four Finding:

Waypoint Five Easting:

Waypoint Five Northing:

Waypoint Five Arrive Time:

Waypoint Five Depart Time:

Waypoint Five Findings: