
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 5, 12/31/15

Party Hardy on New Year’s Eve

Executive Officer Reporting

Mission Status: We are alive and doing well on this beautiful Earth New Year’s Eve morning. The crew today is proceeding to conduct personally research as we enjoy relaxing and bringing in a cheerful new year ahead. The crew today will also take a look into the Green Hab continuing previous adventures started as well as taking care of daily maintenance.

Sol Activity Summary: There will be no EVA today as the crew plans to take care of daily maintenance around the habitat to keep us lively. Each crew member will be furthering their research as they prepare questionnaires to finish, perform tasks to indulge in, and other relevant objectives that need to be meet. The crew engineer has multiple projects to explore with around the Hab while enjoying the sweet, sweet sound of Taylor Swift. As for the rest of the day, as a crew we plan to celebrate the New Year with games, music, and good food!

Look Ahead Plan: Looking hopeful into the future of tomorrow, the crew is looking forward for a planned EVA exploring more Martian grounds and making safety measures for the future of Martian missions. Tomorrow will also be exciting for more maintenance on the Hab will be conducted for crew safety.

Anomalies in work: There are no anomalies to report.

Weather: There was nice storm that blew through during the night but today is beautiful and sunny. It gives the crew a bright future to look ahead to.

Crew Physical Status: Each crew member is doing fine!

EVA: No planned EVA for today.

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

Journalist Report

HSO Report

Engineer Report

Engineering EVA Summary Report

Support Requested: Still awaiting gas refill from cargo ship.