
MDRS CREW 155 - SOL 14


Cassandra Klos

Crew Journalist/Artist-in-Residence

Good evening, Mission Support. While I am usually early with my

reports, I was in charge of preparing dinner tonight so that ate up

some of my time. I made spaghetti with a creamy garlic sauce. Everyone

seemed to enjoy it. I think at this point we have tried every

iteration of spaghetti sauces. I can’t say I will miss spaghetti it

once I am back on Earth.

Today was a very busy day. Paul worked very hard to enclose the 7th

stateroom with the help of Stergios and Hung. We were all doing small

odd jobs all day — taking food inventory for the next crew, checking

smoke detectors for dead batteries, and other tasks to make sure Crew

156 will be all set when they get here tomorrow.

I was tasked to create the crew video, so I spent most of my day doing

that. Later in the day I realized I needed some filler footage, so I

grabbed a couple crewmembers and we had a media-based EVA. I’ve

attached a screenshot of a sneak peek. I’m very excited to share it

once I’m back on Earth!

That’s basically it. I made dinner, we’re all relaxing now. Stergios

and Hung are watching “Anger Management,” Sam is doing yoga, Paul is

running around (per usual), and I think Jacky is taking temperature


Expect an unusually long journalist report tomorrow for the last day!

Signing off,

Cassandra Klos